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The fact that very Human-looking ETs are visiting us begs the question: Why do they look so much like us? It´s understood that the humanoid species is among this galaxy's basic templates of intelligent lifeforms. Supposedly all humanoid life originated in Lyra (Man System K-62), all based on 4 human races. The Noor, the Laan, The Taal and The A-Hel. They were seeded by the etheric race called Elohim/Pal Taal May eons ago.


More in-depth information and updated graphics in my book Off-world Influencers book (See link below).

I also have a new Udemy course about extra-terrestrial archetypes.



Type: Humanoid

From: Pleiades

Density:  3rd-6th

Agenda: Liberation, spiritual growth and protection.

Members of The Galactic Federation of Worlds


3rd-5th density Nordic From Lyra 

The A-hel are a race of lovely extraterrestrial beings that resemble humans and are closely connected to mankind. Four distinct human species descended from Lyra, while the A-hel lived on the planet Maia. They fit the stereotype of a Pleiadian. Although they can manifest in the third density as well, they are 4/5th density beings. Having blond hair, blue to green eyes, and smooth, pale complexion, Scandinavian appearance. They are typically stronger physically than Earth humans, taller, and have more muscle mass. Since they have been around much longer than Earth's humans, they are spiritually advanced in nature. The A-hel have other supersensory powers in addition to being telepathic. They have excellent consciousness technology skills and are exceedingly technologically advanced. They have a more refined appearance and clearly defined gender roles, with males being very masculine and ladies being very feminine. ...Read more in the book



Type: Humanoid

From: planet oman khera in the man system of LYRA

Density:  3rd-6th

Members of The Galactic Federation of Worlds 


3rd-5th density Nordics From Lyra

TThe Taal are a mysterious human race. They are one of the original human root races that appeared in Lyra many years ago. They were inhabitants of Oman Khera, the third planet from the sun. They are among our closest genetic ancestors since they are closely related to the A-hel, the blond ones. The Taal appears more varied than the A-hel, who has entirely blonde characteristics. They could be categorized as more Mediterranean or South American. At first, they had a peaceful outlook and engaged in high spirituality. They adhere to a strict code of ethics, according to Elena Danaan, and may come across as emotionless, harsh, and monotone to some. ...Read more in the book



Type: Humanoid

From: Planet Tar in the man system of LYRA

Density: 3rd-6th




3rd-5th density Nordic From Lyra

The Lyra Noor is from the 5th planet, Tar in the Man system, Lyra. The Noor race will be considered giants if we compare to ourselves, and they may be the origin of the red-haired Giant legends. Reddish hair, green eyes, and sensitive skin, which is due to the composition and radiations of their dwarf star. It’s important to know that we, the Earth humans are below the average height of the human species displayed in the galaxy. A branch of the colony descendants from the Noori, adapting to the conditions of their new world near Vega, evolved to have orange hair. The race of Noor also visited Terra, where they interbred and were remembered as the giant red-haired legendary people. They now work with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, of which they are a member. ...Read more in the book



Type: Humanoid-feline

From: Planet Egoria in the man system of LYRA

Density: 3rd-6th

Agenda: Diplomacy



3rd-6th density Nordic From Lyra

The Laans are regarded as a superior race and genetic masters. This culture is admired by the rest of the cosmos because it demonstrates noble and charitable traits toward others. The majestic tall humanoid/feline-looking Laan species of mammal is a very tall species with muscular traits. They seem to be a genetic cross between cats and humans. They have long, gorgeous golden hair, a flat nose, and huge nostrils. They also have small, rounded ears and some kind of fur covering their light brown skin. The Laan are tall, standing between 12 and 16 feet tall, with light, silky fur covering their skin. With colors ranging from blue to gold and everything in between, everyone is highly different from one another. Both their eyes and their hair come in a variety of colors. Although they have a tail, their upper bodies are...Read more in the book



4TH-6th density Nordics from Alpha Centauri

The Apunians are a tall, beautiful Nordic race with exceptionally high standards of physical perfection. Tall, 7 to 12 feet tall, very fit, and very blonde. Skin that is almost completely smooth and gendered. They originate from "Alpha Centauri" and occasionally make physical and/or holographic contact with mankind through intentionally produced, observable space-time linking energy bubbles with the shape of half domes. Some humans from the Centauri systems may have ancestors who were saved from the reptilians and expelled, according to some evidence. They are habitats that have been artificially created where we and our physical reality can partially or completely interact with ...Read more in the book


Type: Humanoid

From: Tau Ceti

Density:  3rd-6th

Agenda: Liberation, spiritual growth, and protection.

Members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds



4TH-6th density Nordics from Tau Ceti 

Our ascension journey can benefit from the direction of the kind beings known as Tau Aramani. They originate from the constellation that revolves around Sulafat, Albireo. They are a race of tan-skinned, "Mediterranean" or "South American" looking people. They live for more than 100 years on Earth. They are tiny and quite identical to Caucasian people on Terra, with the exception of some distinguishing skeletal traits on the forehead. There are also a few minor variations in the pointed ears. They stand an average of 5 feet 5 inches tall, have slightly wider noses, and have more physical "density" for their size. They also frequently sport short "Roman" or "crew" style hairstyles. They just need one to two hours of sleep each day. Similar to Arabic or German, human language is quite guttural. According to contactees, the Vegans, the Ummits, and other...Read more in the book


Type: Human Grey hybrid

From:  Unknown

Density:  3rd-6th

Agenda: Generation hybrid race, contact protocole, guidance
Member of the The Galactic Federation of Worlds



4th-9th density beings from Orion

A hybrid E.T race known as the beneficent Yahyel is thought to be descended from one of the Lyran human races. Others assert that they are a hybrid of the Grey type, with 80% human DNA and 20% Grey DNA. The Yahyels have a lifespan of 5000 years on Earth and have made significant technical advancements. In fact, the Yahyel are arguably the most prominent in that group, after the Pleiadians, of all the purported extraterrestrials who connect with Earth and show respect for humanity. The Yahyel are said to live in enormous spacecraft or on a lovely planet where they coexist peacefully with all other forms of life. Read more in the book


Type: Humanoid

From: Pleiades

Density:  3rd-6th

Agenda: Liberation, technology education

Members of The Galactic Federation of Worlds



4th-6th density beings from Alpha Centauri

The Selosians originate from the planet Selo in Alpha Centauri B, which is 4.38 light-years away from the Sun and contains the star system and planetary system that are nearest to our solar system. They now live on a number of worlds that have many physical characteristics with Earth. They run a number of bases for scientific investigation and development within the Alpha Centauri star system. English is one of the numerous languages that the highly clever Selosians can speak in addition to their own. One of the most important civilizations in the universe today is this one from long ago. They are an advanced kind of humanoids rather than being of human descent.  ......Read more in the book


Type: Humanoid

From: Pleiades

Density:  3rd-6th

Agenda: Liberation, spiritual growth and protection.

Members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds

4th-9th density Nordics from Erra, Taygetha in the Pleiades


The Ahel humans from Lyra who relocated to the planet Erra are known as the Pleiadians, Errahil, or Taygethans. One of the ten planets that orbit Taygetha, their sun, this planet is almost as big as Earth. Around 400 000 Pleiadians reside on Erra, and they see this as the ideal balance for the survival of both their race and the planet. For them, it's crucial that spirituality and consciousness advance at the same rate as technology. The Pleiadians have been keeping an eye on us here for countless years and consider us to be family. They have been seen as Demigods in prior new age societies, although they vehemently disagree with this. They have played a significant role in the so-called "Grand Experiment," which involves fusing 22 distinct races to create a superhuman race. These characteristics are related to the 12 strands in our DNA, which we have only partially decrypted thus far. We seem to be a race with immense potential. ...Read more in the book


Type: Humanoid

From: Alpha Centauri

Density:  3rd-6th

Agenda: Liberation, technology education

Members of The Galactic Federation of Worlds

3th-6th density beings from Meton


The Metonii are very engaged with GFOWs efforts for the earth, however little is known about them. Their unique abilities include maintaining diplomacy and peace throughout times of transformation. They belong to the Noor line, one of the Lyran races. Due of their genetic make-up, tall people are among those who are most genetically compatible with Terran humans. They are particularly concerned about their health, which allows them to live up to 1800 years. They place great importance on ethics since they place more emphasis on that topic than on legislation. The Metonii can speak, but they primarily communicate telepathically. Those from the Centauri System appear to possess further construction engineering expertise. They should be rewarded for building such enormous ships. They are able to instantly travel between dimensions by using sound vibration, although this is not teleportation. ...Read more in the book


Type: Humanoid,

From: Aldebaran

Density:  3rd-5th

Agenda: Genetics, colonyzation



3rd-5th density beings from from Nibiru, Aldebaran

The Ciakahrr Empire and the Lyran species saw the Anunnaki as enemies. Due of their cold blood, we believe they exhibit reptoid characteristics. The Anunnaki saga serves as the inspiration for many of the Greek gods, including Poseidon. They are allegedly taller and more physically fit than we are. In spite of having both male and female genders, they reproduce through depositing eggs. While some are represented as being bald with light or dark complexion, others are characterized as having a thick beard and tons of hair. The Anunnaki are incredibly knowledgeable in genetics and have developed a wide variety of species. They have destructive weapons that are feared across the galaxy because of their advanced technological capabilities. They have numerous colonies and follow no laws whatsoever. The Orion wars (Orion Empire vs. Galactic Federation) were finally ending with the signing of a peace pact 13 million years ago. ...Read more in the book


Type: Humanoid

From: Pleiades

Density:  3rd-6th

Agenda: Liberation, technology education
Members of The Galactic Federation of Worlds



4th-6th density beings from from Wolf 424

Wolf-424, the planet Ummo, is 14,6 Earth-light-years away from your system and is home to Ummit / Ummites. In general, that is not a great distance. The Ummits, who share our ancestry with the Lyran A-hel race, are actively helping us. They also share lineage with the Vega humanoids and the Lyran Noor races. Ummit are distinguished from the other Man races by their distinctively high forehead.. Compared to Earth humanoids, the Ummits' eyes have an odd relationship to their facial features. They generally have blonde hair, and they live for roughly 200 years on Earth. A scientific initiative designed to aid in the advancement and fusion of Earth sciences is being aggressively worked on by the Ummits and the Galactic Federation of Worlds. A level 1 civilization is subject to the non-intervention rule as one of the Federation's members (level 2 is interstellar travel...
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Type:  humanoid

From: Aldebaran

Density:  3rd-4th



4th-5th density beings from Jadai , Aldebaran

The Anunnaki are divided into various categories. These originate from Kora 361, a planet in the Jada system of Aldebaran. They are an exiled colony that left our solar system after the Maytra devastated their prehistoric planet Janos. They are the ones that interacted with Maria Orsic in the 1940s while she was a member of the Vrill Society. When they came to Earth during the Egyptian era, they mastered the Sumerian language, and they utilized it to communicate with Maria. Although the Jadaii Anunnaki have traveled a great distance via our galaxy, nothing is known about them.
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Type:  Syntehics




Synthetic beings

You might get a visit from these menacing men if you've seen anything that might be of extraterrestrial origin that you are not ment to know about. The objective is to "persuade" you to remain silent and to destroy any evidence you may have. Neither E.T.s nor humans are the Men in Black. They are artificial beings that the Ciakahrrs control and who are closely associated with the evil Earth Cabal, particularly with institutions deep within the government. The Men in Black frequently wear bizarre attire that was more typical in the 1950s. They also have a synthetic stench and dispaly an extremely anti-human demeanor, almost as if they are under remote control. ...Read more in the book


Type:  humanoid

From: Beta Sextans

Density:  3rd-4th



3rd-4th density beings from Beta Sextans

This species has 3 genders and comes from the Sextans Dwarf SPH which is located 4,6 million lightyears from Earth. They first visited earth, almost 1000 years before Christ, primarily in Romania. They look like humans with black eyes and might be the origin to our vampire/Dracula legends since they are known to drink blood from humans and animals. They used to abduct people and never return them, ended this practice over 100 years ago. The Federation is looking more after the Earth at this point. They also have big competition in the Maytra and the Ciakahrr. So the agreement now is that the Maytra are selling abductees to them. ...Read more in the book


Type:  humanoid

From: Beta Sextans

Density:  3rd-4th


4th-5th density beings from Hyades

They are a colony of refugees from the Lyran systems, escaping the war with the Ciakahrr Empire.  Unlike the other Lyran groups in the Pleiades and the Vega system, these humans settled in the Hyades star cluster, 151 light years from Earth. They stelled colonies in Theta 1, Theta 2, Gamma Prima, Delta 11, Epsilon Ain, and Alpha Taurus. The Hyadeans are genetically the same race as the A-hel and a few of them were Taal. As time past time they mixed with other Lyran colonies. The Lyran worlds were racially disparate and in the four big ships that left the systems to flee the invaders of the Ciakahrr Empire. These ships were more like arks, carrying plants, animals,.....Read more in the book


Type:  humanoid

From: Altair

Density:  3rd-4th



3rd-4th density beings from Altair

The Altarian System is home to the Akhori as well as numerous other species. Due to their looks, they are frequently mistaken for Pleiadians or Agarthans despite being blonde Nordics who do not actually belong to the Lyran bloodline. With the Killy Tokurt, they collaborate closely. They resemble us in many respects, and they will fight to the death to get more power. Let me remind you that Earth's inhabitants are also not acting in a peaceful manner. ...Read more in the book



4th-5th density Nordics from Beta Centauri

The Dahl is settled on the planet Hadar in Beta Centauri -a triple stellar system sheltering a great diversity of life-forms scattered on 17 plan E.T’s in total, including reptilians, amphibians, insectoids, all at a sub-civilization level. A humanoid Noor colony from Lyra settled there after the Lyran invasion and their civilization flourished! They decided to remain impartial in the conflicts going on in the rest of this sector of the galaxy. They have chosen not to join the Galactic Federation of Worlds but just to focus on living in harmony with all the other species of these 7 worlds, as an independent entity. The Beta Centauri system is closely guarded and considered a magnificent place that resembles a peaceful paradise. According to conversations between Elena Danaan and her contact Thor Han- A Pleiadian A-Hel,  They chose their name after the captain of the ark who brought them there, their legendary commander Dahel. ...Read more in the book




4th-5th density Nordics from Epsilon Eridani

The Kahel is a race of human looking E.Ts that are of Lyran origin. More specific, these people are decedents of the A-Hel race, the blonds tall humanoid race from Maia in Lyra. They settled in the star system Epsilon Eridani, on the first planet: Ammakha. To make it habitable, they terraformed this monstrous world and transformed it to fit their needs. It evolved into becoming a great and peaceful civilization. Their ships are of an extremely elegant shape that resembles advanced art sculptures.  They are Humanoids with the slightly different bone structures, crooked nose, smooth skin, hair of various colors. The Kahel decided to protect and preserve the original A-hel Lyran culture, with its education system, its casts, spirituality, and scientific knowledge, notably in genetics. Acording to Elena Danaan the Kahel they have very...Read more in the book



4th-5th density beings from Vega

The Ozman race is from the nr 4 planet in Vega, Lyra. They are not from the Lyran lineage but were planted in Vega long before the Lyrans ever showed up. That begs the question of where the human-form originally came from in the multiverse. They are very peaceful, and quite evolved spiritually. Very little or no hair, elongated wide skulls, and a very triangular face. Greyish-pink type skin, pale eyes, and small, tiny ears. Always dressed in long robes with high necks.  They are part of the Galactic Federation of worlds and are protectors of Earth. They have very good diplomacy skills and often take on the role of peace Ambassadors. Their ships are long and .....Read more in the book



4th-5th density humanoids T’Ashkeru from Sirius

The Sirius B system is according to Helena Danaan a beautiful mix of all primary races, meaning they are hybrids, and mutations and sub-species. The Ashkeru-Taal is one of them. They are a very positively aligned and are a hybrid of the Lyra Taal from Vega and the Greys. The Taal usually adapt their species when colonizing new worlds. They do this using their masterful skills of genetic modification. In their home world Thula, the politics and diplomatic agreements are complicated as they are shared the planet with reptilians and hybrids, so they hybridized themselves to adapt to their environment. The Ashkeru Taals are vegnas and they are advanced in their technological and engineering skills...Read more in the book



4th-5th density humanoids from Alpha Centauri

The Telosi is a 4th density subterranean race almost identical to earth humans - when physical. Often people confuse this race with the Anshar Agarthans as they are very similar. They emit a light frequency that creates a shining effect. White hair, and pale glistering skin. Beautiful light grey, to light blue eyes. They are very telepathic and spiritually evolved. There are claims that they are genetically created from the humans that were saved and exiled from the reptilians eons ago. But information points to the Telosi coming from Alpha Century 4, a planet called Selo, and arrived on Earth over 15000 years ago. According to Elena Danaan, they are Extra Terrestrials, but came here and discovered a vast system of caverns below the regi...Read more in the book




4th-5th density humanoids from Andromeda

They come from the region of the Andromeda galaxy and from a star system in that galaxy they call Zenetae.  They are 5th density luminous humanoids similar in appearance to Earth humans but with slightly elongated bald skulls. They are a Lyran race with light-blue to golden skin. The eyes of all Andromedans are slightly larger than those of Earth humans. The lips are thin and colored almost a light pink, while the ears are fitted slightly lower on the side of the head and are slightly smaller in size. The hands and the feet are delicate in appearance with long fingers and toes. The men vary in height from 5 feet, 7 inches to almost 7 feet (1.7 to 2.12 meters). The women range from 5 feet, 4 inches to almost 6 feet, 4 inches (1.63 to 1.93 meters) high. They usually wear the traditional multicolored Galactic Federation jumpsuits. Andromedan women are noted for their alluring energies and their quite buxom figures. ...Read more in the book






The Anshar are a 4th density ancient breakaway human civilization that lives inside the Earth in the so called Agarthan Network. If we were to dig in there and look for them we would not find anything. They are 4th & 5th density, so they do not exist in our reality so to speak. The Agarthans are A-hel humans from the future, in their original timeline. A long time ago in Atlantean times, a human group from the Pleiades, decided to settle on what is now called Mars, where they would live for many millions of years and would later play a big role in our local history. Another branch of them settled on Earth and they have been here since that time through many, many cycles of civilization and disaster. So over time, this Pleiadian group moved underground and established the first human underground cities in what would become known as Agartha Network. The Agartha Network is huge and their capital is called Shamballa, located underneath the Himalayas. ...Read more in the book

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